Zeno LINE Adhesives products are directed to wood and furniture industry manufacturers. These products are characterized by a constantly good quality, so valued by the customers. To meet our partners requirements, we have started cooperation with the largest and most trusted industrial adhesives manufacturers in Europe.
As a result our business partners receive a guarantee of products completely devoid of defects. Zeno LINE Adhesives products are branded by people who are present on the Polish wood and furniture market since the beginning of the transformation period – nearly 30 years. People who are known as persons with good sense of market and who solves customer needs efficiently.
Through all these years along with our partners we have been creating Polish wood and furniture market, and we have ambition to continue active participation in it.
You will find Zeno LINE Adhesives products in many production facilities using wood and wood-based materials. Often they are core of the bonding technology.
We do not cease our efforts to ensure that our partners can receive a better products- meeting ever more restrictive standards imposed by the legal system and often by the partners themselves. That is why we stay in constant contact with research and development centres to more efficiently respond to emerging needs.
Our partners have already gave a positive opinion to Zeno LINE Adhesives. We are proud of this, but we treat it more like a commitment than a reason for glory.